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Is moving out at 16 legal

Moving out of home at 16 seems exciting and challenging, especially for teenagers seeking independence and freedom from their parents. This raises a question: Can I move out at 16? It is a question that is frequently asked among teenagers. The answer is that sometimes it is possible where it is not possible. Even though you can move out at 16 there are certain legal restrictions and consequences to consider.


The Legality of Marijuana in the US

Cannabis, pot, grass, ganja, dope, weed, Mary Jane, and doobie. These are marijuana’s numerous nicknames. A 2018 Gallup survey states that 66% of Americans, about 2 in 3 people, are in favor of legalizing marijuana. This brings us to the question, is marijuana really as dangerous as the authorities put it, or is it as safe as the proponents say?


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