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Accidents happen at all times in Orange County. In Orange County, around 12,500 people lost their lives in car accidents. Imagine how many more would have died in other types of accidents. Accidental injuries have been a top cause of death in Orange County for a while. Even the ones who survive face a lot of challenges. They can file a claim to secure compensation for their losses. In some cases, a trial might be necessary.

Depending on some factors, the case can either be settled amicably or taken to court. With the help of Orange County personal injury attorneys, a victim can decide whether to go to a trial or not. 

Certain factors must be taken into consideration before taking a case to court. These factors are what we will be discussing in this article.

Key Points to Note Before Deciding Whether Your Personal Injury Case Can Go to Trial

The Extent of the Injuries

The attorney that would be handling the case would have to examine some factors that this is part of. The injury incurred by the victim is examined to determine if it's worth the shot. This is because the injury incurred due to the accident might just be a minor scratch or surface injury, which might not require much medical attention.

The Rehabilitation and Medical Expenses

Due to the severity of the accident, the treatment that the victim may have to undertake may be expensive, and the recovery process may be long. Therefore, once this is taken into consideration, the injured person might decide to take the case to court to get better compensation.

The Age of the Injured Victim

Age is a deciding factor in how fast an injury to a person heals and also the aftereffects. If the person is young, the aftereffects may not be much. However, if the person is elderly, the aftereffects may lead to other health conditions that the person will have to deal with for the rest of their life. Therefore, once this is considered, the victim might decide to go to trial as well.

The Earning Capacity and Income of the Injured Person

Another thing is the financial capacity of the victim. The victim might be earning average or may be below average. Once the victim sees that their income will not be able to cover medical expenses and all sorts of other expenses, they can decide to go to court instead of settling out of court.

The Situation of the Injured Person’s Family

Before the plaintiff considers the option of court, they examine the state of the family in terms of their finances. They also consider their mental health at the time of the accidents. This is also a deciding factor in whether the case can proceed to court or not.

The Damages That the Injured Person May Have Incurred as a Result of the Incident

During an accident, a lot of things happen. Not only is the victim injured on the body, but some damages can occur either to the victim’s vehicle or personal property. This is dependent on the environment the victim was in before the incident occurred. If there is any form of severe damage to properties, then the case can be taken to court.

These and many other factors are to be properly considered before taking a personal injury case to court. This is because if proper considerations are not made, the plaintiff might end up not getting the expected compensation amount, and the time spent on a trial would be a waste.

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